2) Picture of Marion Jones, the Olympic runner (although you can't see her face here). Looking back, this seems contradictory to the pregnant belly that I also wanted, but at the time, I had this desire to be super fit like an Olympic athlete.
3) I found this slogan that said "Going, Going, Gone," and that’s how I wanted to see our debt. I wanted our debt GONE once and for all.
4) Pictures of a home that I think is beautiful. At the time, we were living in an older apartment and I dreamed of living in a newer and nicer home.
5) Pictures of different places around the world. There are so many countries that I would love to visit.
6) Behind the picture of Halle Berry, I have a picture of a silver Range Rover, which was my dream car at the time.
7) Finally, a picture of my husband. I have that one there to remind me that I’m incredibly blessed to be married to a wonderful and handsome man.
I made that goal board over four years ago, and it's so cool to say that since that time, I have accomplished almost every goal on there! I eventually got pregnant and had a little boy (who is now 2 years old). We paid off all of our debt – Hallelujah! We are still living in an apartment, but we moved to a nicer and newer apartment that I love. I recently traveled to Mexico, which is a country that I had never been to before. The only things I have not accomplished are having a super-sculpted body like Marion Jones (which I’m totally fine with, I learning to like me just the way that I am), and I don’t have a silver Range Rover (but I did get a silver Toyota Camry which is completely paid for!).
I'm in the process of making a new goal board that features some new dreams and desires, and I can't wait to share it with you all!
So tell me, do you have a goal board? If so, what's on it?
So cool. Thank you for sharing. I have a dream board to that I am crossing off. We are still paying off debt and will be for a while. I know that we will conquer it at some point. Send me an email. jeremiahsvessel@ayahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThank you
You can do it Shon! If that is the desire of your heart to be debt free, then I believe that God will help you!! I will be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a GREAT idea!! I'm totally going to do this now!! Thx!